The Association of Local Authorities Namibia is a body that represents all local authority members in Namibia. In addition it provides a platform on which these local authorities can air their greviences and thereby provide better services for the community.
Aims and Objectives
The Association aims to be a dynamic, self sustaining organization that plays an advocacy role on behalf of local authorities, with a view to promoting and assisting its membership address socioeconomic problems in a comprehensive and sustainable manner in order to stimulate growth and financial stability.
The Association aims to protect, safeguard and enhance the image, interests, rights and privileges of Local Authorities by such means, as may be Constitutional.
In order its aims the objectives of the association are to:
- act as liaison between the Central Government and Local Authorities in all matters of common interest to its members;
- act on behalf of its members in all matters, which affect the interests of Local Authorities in Namibia;
- promote and encourage the study of Local Authorities for the mutual benefit of all the members, the Central Government, Local Communities and the Republic of Namibia;
- strive along Constitutional lines for he promotion of all Local Communities to the status of independent Local Authorities with democratically elected Councilors;
Any Local Authority or body which functions as a Local Authority in the opinion of the Management Committee may be accepted by the Management Committee as a member of the Association subject thereto that such Authority underwrites the aims of the Association and undertakes to pay the membership fees prescribed in this Constitution, as amended from time to time.
Every Local Authority or other Authority functioning as a Local Authority shall, as long as it is a member of this Association, be entitled to have the following representatives with voting rights, which may be either Councilors or Officials, or a Councilor and an Official, at any Congress of the Association:
- Part I Municipalities : 3 representatives;
- Part II Municipalities : 2 representatives;
- Town and Village Councils and other authorities functioning as Local Authorities: 1 representative;